Sunday, November 17, 2013

Guess who's back?

OK! So after 6 years of hiatus, I've finally decided to come back to blog. And I thought to myself: What is there to say? So many changes have come since I have last done this. Let's just say that I will take some time to get adjusted to this.

OK! Before I start, thought I should lay on some ground rules of this blog before I start making a fool of myself. So if anyone catches me doing things that are out of the boundaries of this, you may start telling your moms on me.

Rule no. 1:
If my life is sad, shut up. If I have some deep issues I want to express it out to attract sympathy, read the title of this blog.. and shut up.

Rule no. 2:
If I'm still sad, grab a bottle of beer, watch an Emma Watson movie and apply rule no. 1.

That said, everything that is douchy, stupid, idiotic and himbotic goes in here and hopefully, if you're having a bad day and you come across this blog, I hope the douchy-ness rubs off on you and you become a douche yourself... no seriously, there're enough douches in this world already, we cannot survive a plus one.

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